Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Little bit of History/ Art History

San Pietro in Vincoli:

 ... a church here in Rome, very near the Colosseum, is best known for being the home of Michelangelo's statue of Moses. This is a must see if you are visiting Rome.

 If you look closely you can see that Michelangelo put horns on Moses's head depicting light coming from within. If you google this you can see a better picture of him. I love it! Zac says he looks like King Tritan and I have to agree. By the way Lola is going to be a Mermaid for Halloween. :) just thought I'd throw that in.

San Pietro Vincoli is also know as the Basilica Eudoxiana. It was first re-built on older foundations in 432-440 to house the relic of the chains that bound Saint Peter when he was imprisoned in Jerusalem. The Empress Eudoxia ( wife of Emporer Valentinian the 3rd) who received them as a gift from her mother (Aelia Eudocia cosort of Valentinian the 2nd) presented the chains to Pope Leo 1. Aelia Eudocia had received these chains as a gift from Luvenalis, bishop of Jerusalem.
According to legend, when Leo compared them to the chains of Saint Peter's final imprisonment in the Mamertine prison in Rome, the two chains miraculously fused together.

I included this information we found at Wikipedia, because reading the history made me believe it is very possible that these could in fact be the chains they claim them to be. A well preserved relic. Very interesting piece of history.

A view of the Colosseum from just near this church. The day was as pretty as it looks!!

Tomorrow we leave for Carrara where the statues of the 12 apostles and the Christus for the Visitors Center are being sculpted. They are being carved from the same Carrara marble that Migelangelo used. I'm excited beyond belief! I will post pictures. The Christus will stand right in the center of the round wall with the 12 apostles in a semi circle behind it.

Visitors Center

Bishop Causse of the Presiding Bishopric was here a couple of weeks ago. I got an "action" shot for the history.

Elder Nelson was here to do a stake conference and he stopped by the site Sunday afternoon. We didn't meet Elder Nelson but I do have a picture and will ask if I can post it.

I love skype!

My computer "rang" the other day and when I answered this is what I saw: 

She called to show me her bun :)

Did I mention that I love skype?

And this little guy! awww.
Both so handsome! Maddox and Ryan

Lola and Maddox are getting so big!

E un Autunno Bello a Roma!

It has been a beautiful Autumn in Rome. I hear the same can be said for back home :) Enjoy!

Much love, Elder and Sister Fenn

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I know it's been awhile...

I promised Zac I would be more diligent in putting pictures up for you all to see. :) Thanks for the reminder Zac, OK... here we go...

Italy is a very beautiful country. It is very green and from the freeway the hillsides are well kept and you see farms and vineyards. It's hard to get pictures from the road but my favorite view is of the hill top towns that can be seen along the way. We visited this town one Saturday afternoon.

Civita di Bagnoregio

A few pictures from inside the village. 

Italian Pottery... I love it!

And one more...

"Our group": the project managers and our good friends.

Take One:

           Carl and Barbara Champagnie & Ramon and Lorena Lopez

and Take Two...
but Lorena always looks good!
... take one was better!

Barbara is from Brazil, Carl is from Preston England , Ramon and Lorena are from Madrid Spain.
Barbara speaks, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and a little English, her husband Carl speaks English only! Ramon speaks Spanish, English, French and a little Italian, Lorena speaks Spanish and her English is getting really good too. So one way or another we all communicate. But it gets pretty funny at times. 

Ramon is the new project manager for the PARIS FRANCE TEMPLE so they we will be leaving us after Christmas... We will miss you but are very happy for you Ramon.
Barbara and Lorena will follow their husbands to whatever city or country is getting a new temple. Which means they will probably never live by a temple!! 

"Carving is easy, you just go down to the skin and stop" michelangelo

Last Saturday David and I took  the bus downtown because we had heard of a statue Michelangelo had done of Christ that was in a church down by the Pantheon. 

We found it and here it is: Il Redentore

The physique  is stronger than most depictions... We really enjoyed seeing this statue. I will be talking a lot about the statues that will be going in the Visitors Center here at the Temple site in Rome. Stay tuned.

On our way to church

Love and miss you all. Take good care! Thank -you to everyone for your prayers and support.